Writers Block??

I have just returned from a 2 week laid-back beach holiday, the weather was excellent, the sun shone everyday and the views of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below the house made me believe that I was waking up in paradise each morning. We were so relaxed that the biggest decisions we had to make were how would we spend the day? what to eat and where? We also had no internet so laptops got left behind and the family had to resort to ordinary old fashioned communication. What a pleasure!! we totally chilled.

Coming back I thought I would be full of blogging ideas and I am a little disappointed to find that my mental and physical relaxation has not translated into increased creativity, I have been staring at this blog for three days and could not come up with anything to write until a suggestion from my peer coach today that I blog about the holiday. Thanks, Rachel, Why do I think this is so? Is it the old FEAR of being JUDGED by people reading the blog, my writing is not good enough? Am I providing VALUE to others?

I am not quite sure what the answer is but it is certainly a disconcerting feeling which hopefully I will be able to work through as my thoughts get into a coaching mood again.

2 Responses to “Writers Block??”

  1. # Blogger Cassandra Kinaviaq Rae

    Dear Anna ~

    This morning I went on my daily run. Towards the end of it I was feeling a little tired, but continued running nonetheless. As I was running I approached a woman walking on the path. As I ran past her I said, "Good morning!" as is my ritual when I run past people. She smiled and said, "Hello! How are you?" I kept running and replied laughingly, "Whew...I'm tired today!" As soon as I said those words I immediately felt energized. There was something about claiming the simple truth during the experience that gave me a boost of energy. It felt so liberating to admit that I was tired and at the same time to continue on with my commitment. And then I thought, "Hey this could really help me in other areas of my life." I envisioned myself at home working at my computer (kind of like what I'm doing right now :~) and experiencing writer's block then standing up and shouting, "I have writer's block!" followed by a big, hearty laugh.

    I haven't had the opportunity to try it out yet, but I am definitely going to put it in my "toolkit" of resources and give it a whirl when needed.

    I'm glad to see that you have already overcome your writer's block!!!!

    Warmly ~

  2. # Blogger Anna T.

    Hi Cassandra,

    I agree with you, in fact in the last few days I have tackled other tasks that I have putting off doing when I realised that all I had to do is start and the momentum keeps me going, just like running even when I do not feel like it as long as I get out the door I keep going. So now my study has been tidied, old papers thrown out,etc and I am about to start attacking other unpleasant tasks in the simple knowledge that all I need to do is take the first step.



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