A question I am often asked is "What made you decide to do life coaching?" After all I am an experienced medical specialist, work full time, have a family and a fulfilling life outside of work. I have also asked myself the question many times, and I find the answers evolve as I get deeper into my ICA studies.

I have, in my opinion in the last couple of years managed to achieve a state of balance. I enjoy my work as an anaesthesiologist, I have a wonderful family and lots of fun-loving and positive friends. To add to all that I pound the pavements whenever I feel like it, and sometimes even when I dont feel like it, knowing that after my run the world is going to be better place.

So my life is perfect,or maybe not? I am noticing a certain amount of stress in some of my colleagues.Intelligent women who have chosen medicine as a career now not reaching their full potential as they are finding it hard to juggle family and work. Retiring doctors that have only a vacuum to look forward to.

I have always been interested in personal development,my bookcase was full of motivational and inspirational books, long before I was aware that coaching existed. I have also in the past done many courses, to learn to communicate better,improve my personal effectiveness and so forth. So I suppose all this together with my desire to work with and help people achieve a more fulfilling life progressed naturally to life coaching.

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