I had an opportunity today to put into practice some of the coaching theory I have learnt about. I was in Wellington,(NZ) on a medical course today with five other colleagues and when we arrived at the airport for our scheduled 17.30 flight which was to take us back home to Auckland, we were advised that our flight had been delayed until further notice.

My initial reaction was of disbelief, then anger, how could they do this to us? I had left home at 6am that morning, had a very intensive course and now all I wanted was to get home on a Friday night and spend the evening with my family!!

I soon realised that I had a choice, I could spend the time waiting at the airport, feel angry and frustrated or I could "reframe" my perspective . I decided to try the latter, after all, no matter how angry I felt, I was not going to be able to influence the time of the flight.

All sorts of opportunities suddenly presented to me:
1. I can use the time to shop and buy my daughter Stephanie a gift, to celebrate the end of the school year and her excellent academic achievement. This would make her feel aknowledged and appreciated.

2. I can spend some of the time bonding with my colleagues, and get to know them better outside of work.

3. I have an opportunity where I can relax, reflect on the days events etc.

I became aware of the beauty of coaching, and how powerful it is ,one does not have to wait for big events to present themselves in life, it can work on ordinary everyday things and by simply changing your viewpoint, your attitude changes and wow!! you feel a whole lot better.

1 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Cassandra Kinaviaq Rae

    It is the "littlest" of everyday experiences that offer the "biggest" opportunities to learn!  

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