Ready to coach??

the question of whether one feels ready to coach came up the other day in our career CoP class and it is one that I can identify with. How will I know when I am ready? Will I ever be ready? or will I always feel that I will have to wait till I know more, practised more etc? and how can I practise more if I dont coach?

A couple of days ago on one of my runs I had what felt like an AHA moment. Is my running perfect- NO, Will it ever be perfect? OF course NOT, I still keep reading running mags for inspiration and for tips on improving, form, efficiency, etc.
In the meantime I have been running for 15 years or so, I have taken part in many races,distances from 10 km to Half-marathons and now in the last 3 years I have run and successfully completed 3 full marathons in respectable time and without injury.I have also along the way motivated friends and collegues to do the same. And I have enjoyed it all.

It is quite obvious to see what would have happened had I waited till I could run perfectly, and I knew all there is to know about running.


In the meantime I would have missed out on so much, my "chatterbox" carried on talking and tried to answer the question: Will I ever feel that I know it all?
Well, hopefully not, being in the STATE of knowing it all is a DANGEROUS place to be, as, when you know it all there is nothing more to learn and STAGNATION sets in.

So I guess I have to be happy with not knowing it all,coach in the meantime, and be honest with myself and my client to say "I don't know, let's see what we can come up with together" and maintain my thirst for more learning alive.

Any comments from coaches or clients are very welcome.

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