Business building module

I have almost completed Foundation coach, advanced 1, and power tools in ICA classes and for a while I have been telling myself that I need to start the business building module classes. I have looked at the calendar and noted dates and times and taken time off to do the classes, and as the time of the class gets closer I inevitably find some excuse to not attend. I am too tired, I would rather do the Life Coaching CoP with Bill Turpin which happens to be at the same time, and so forth. Initially I believed my own excuses but it has happened too often now for it to be coincidence, so I have to ask myself the question:
"What is holding me back?"
I am not quite sure I know the answer, What do I fear? Is it success?

The same feeling seems to have creeped up with building a website.I have registered a domain name "" and have had it parked free for a while. I feel that something is holding me back from advertising my services on the net.
Is it that maybe I may become too busy and that my life which feels "perfectly balanced"at the moment may become unbalanced and I may have to make some difficult decisions to get it back on track mmm I wonder! Or......Is it that the idea of "Selling your coaching" just does not resonate with me?

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