Responding Vs Reacting

In yet another of Bill's magnificent class today we discussed responding vs reacting, What is the difference?

Well, reacting is normal for humans, it is automatic, off the cuff, knee-jerk,it is based on anxiety and fear, assumptions and judgement play a big role in reacting. Responding on the other hand is the opposite. It happens when one has suspended judgement, is fully conscious and is prepared to listen. To respond, according to Bill, is to engage the brain before engaging the mouth!! I like that and I shall remember that next time my mouth opens.

So, it appears that responding is good and reacting is all bad, or is it? Are there good reactions? of course, happy reactions, joy, laughter,celebrations, and, let us not forget the emergency situations where quick rections become necessary.

How do we convert a possible reaction to a response:
1.A deep breath, may be all that is necessary to give you the space.
3.Recognize that we are human and have compassion on ourselves.

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