Perfect balance

I decided to name my coaching practice "Perfect Balance" a while ago as I felt I had achieved that enviable state of inner peace and perfect balance. I felt at peace with myself and the world, and I wanted to help others do the same.

Nothing major has changed in my life in the past couple of weeks and yet I feel that the pendulum keeps swinging back and forth from the point of balance. Why is that? I am still the same person, my life circumstances are still the same, I still have the same loving family then why do I feel like my life is out of kilter? And, more important how do I bring balance back again, as I am not happy in this state.

I tried to analyse the reasons why, and I realised that an insidious process had started taking place. I had had a few extra night calls in anaesthesia, this led to me feeling tired due to lack of sleep, I stopped running and exercising as I was too tired, this then started a vicious cycle of tiredness, comfort eating and grumpiness, and while nothing major had occurred my whole life had changed in 2 weeks and I did not like the change. What I find amazing is that I went from "perfect balance" to loss of control in a short time and without realising it!

After a discussion with Rachel(my wonderful peer coach) today I decided to put an action plan into place to regain my equilibrium and yes, you have guessed correctly, I will start running again and everything else will fall into place.

3 Responses to “Perfect balance”

  1. # Blogger Cassandra Kinaviaq Rae

    I wonder if "Perfect Balance" includes those moments of being out of balance...  

  2. # Blogger Anna T.

    mmm Cassandra, you may be right. I think we need to have unbalanced times in order to appreciate and give balance some meaning. I dont believe it is humanly possible to be balanced all the time, the tragedy lies in not recognizing out of balance moments and hence not doing anything about them.

    You will be happy to know that with some rest I am in top form again!


  3. # Blogger Candace Brower

    What you say here resonates with my experience as a musician. Balance in music comes from the alternation between tension and relaxation, motion away from tonic and motion back to it. It would be boring if we always stayed in the same place!  

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