The end of another year,mm... What have been the highlights of this year for me? Undoubtedly getting involved in coaching and joining ICA!! NO QUESTION THERE!
Why did I choose ICA and not another of the many organizations that all claim to be the best coach schools out? Well,after my decision to do formal coach training I started searching the internet for schools, after many agonizing months and lots of research I narrowed my choice down to three schools, all seemed pretty similar in what they offered, now how was I going to choose the one? I tried to use rational thought, I wrote things down and being medically trained I tried to use my "brain" to tell me which was the best.That was also no help, eventually, what did I do? I had only my "gut instinct" my intuition left to rely on. I did just that, and have found myself to be in a perfect place. What would my medical collegues think of me if they found out that I used my "gut feel" to make this important decision?
Medicine is sooh evidence-based nowadays that there is no place left for spontaneity nor feelings, and, when making medical decisions I look at all the evidence available, the statistics etc. I would sometimes like to be able to justify my decision because it just "felt" the right thing to do for my patient.?MMM....
What are your thoughts?
Why did I choose ICA and not another of the many organizations that all claim to be the best coach schools out? Well,after my decision to do formal coach training I started searching the internet for schools, after many agonizing months and lots of research I narrowed my choice down to three schools, all seemed pretty similar in what they offered, now how was I going to choose the one? I tried to use rational thought, I wrote things down and being medically trained I tried to use my "brain" to tell me which was the best.That was also no help, eventually, what did I do? I had only my "gut instinct" my intuition left to rely on. I did just that, and have found myself to be in a perfect place. What would my medical collegues think of me if they found out that I used my "gut feel" to make this important decision?
Medicine is sooh evidence-based nowadays that there is no place left for spontaneity nor feelings, and, when making medical decisions I look at all the evidence available, the statistics etc. I would sometimes like to be able to justify my decision because it just "felt" the right thing to do for my patient.?MMM....
What are your thoughts?
The decision to run this morning was a difficult one. Part of me wanted to go, I needed the exercise especially after the excesses of the last couple of days. Part of me wanted to just carry on the laziness of the last few days, I will run again tomorrow. Anyhow, the logical side won and I went on what I call a "cleansing run".
At the start, my legs felt heavy and my body sluggish. The Christmas cake, champagne, chocolates were taking their revenge at me. As I am a solitary runner, I have nobody to chat to, I decided to play a mental game. For every kilometre that I ran, I chucked out part of the excesses and extra baggage that I was carrying.At about the 10th kilometre I was feeling significantly lighter and in a better frame of mind and well on my way home. After my shower I felt "cleansed" both inside and out.
I believe everyone should go on at least one run like this every year, and a good time to do it is at the end of one year and the beginning of another,when most of us reflect on the past year and look forward to a new year. My suggestion would be to take all the negative emotions such as, anger, fear,resentment,hate, the perceived failures, disappointments and tolerations with you at the start of the run.
Carry the weight on your back, feel the heaviness, feel how you are being dragged down. Then with each 100 metres or so, take each millstone, label it and throw it out, leave it on the side of the road, you have no use for it in 2007, feel how you lighten up with each kilometre.
Who knows you might even start running on a regular basis!!
May 2007 be a great year for all of us.
At the start, my legs felt heavy and my body sluggish. The Christmas cake, champagne, chocolates were taking their revenge at me. As I am a solitary runner, I have nobody to chat to, I decided to play a mental game. For every kilometre that I ran, I chucked out part of the excesses and extra baggage that I was carrying.At about the 10th kilometre I was feeling significantly lighter and in a better frame of mind and well on my way home. After my shower I felt "cleansed" both inside and out.
I believe everyone should go on at least one run like this every year, and a good time to do it is at the end of one year and the beginning of another,when most of us reflect on the past year and look forward to a new year. My suggestion would be to take all the negative emotions such as, anger, fear,resentment,hate, the perceived failures, disappointments and tolerations with you at the start of the run.
Carry the weight on your back, feel the heaviness, feel how you are being dragged down. Then with each 100 metres or so, take each millstone, label it and throw it out, leave it on the side of the road, you have no use for it in 2007, feel how you lighten up with each kilometre.
Who knows you might even start running on a regular basis!!
May 2007 be a great year for all of us.
On my run this morning, I started thinking of all the good things that have happened to me this year, I don't know why, I suppose it is that time of year, the end of one year and the beginning of another that invites reflection and counting of blessings in one's life. The word "Acknowledgement" suddenly popped into my head, and, as soon as I got home I went to the ICA discussion board and looked at some of postings on the topic and what did I find? The questions we have been asked as ICA students range from "think of a time when you were acknowledged and how did it make you feel? "What are the benefits of acknowledging clients in coaching? "What difference would it make in your life if you were to get 50% more acknowledgement?"
The responses were all positive, we would all feel motivated, achieve more, etc.
The question I now ask myself: Here we have a very simple tool to use, it costs nothing, the benefits appear to be great, why do we not use it more? We do not have to be life coaches to acknowledge others, it is something we can all do easily,we can start by acknowledging those close to us, our spouses, our children, our friends and colleagues. Acknowledge your child for what he or she has achieved, at school, in sport, and elsewhere,instead of drawing attention to the things they may not have done as well in.
I would like to make a request(another ICA tool)to all reading this, During this holiday season, Let us acknowledge all who touch our lives, or who have done so in the past and let us note the difference.
I welcome comments and feedback.
The responses were all positive, we would all feel motivated, achieve more, etc.
The question I now ask myself: Here we have a very simple tool to use, it costs nothing, the benefits appear to be great, why do we not use it more? We do not have to be life coaches to acknowledge others, it is something we can all do easily,we can start by acknowledging those close to us, our spouses, our children, our friends and colleagues. Acknowledge your child for what he or she has achieved, at school, in sport, and elsewhere,instead of drawing attention to the things they may not have done as well in.
I would like to make a request(another ICA tool)to all reading this, During this holiday season, Let us acknowledge all who touch our lives, or who have done so in the past and let us note the difference.
I welcome comments and feedback.
A question I am often asked is "What made you decide to do life coaching?" After all I am an experienced medical specialist, work full time, have a family and a fulfilling life outside of work. I have also asked myself the question many times, and I find the answers evolve as I get deeper into my ICA studies.
I have, in my opinion in the last couple of years managed to achieve a state of balance. I enjoy my work as an anaesthesiologist, I have a wonderful family and lots of fun-loving and positive friends. To add to all that I pound the pavements whenever I feel like it, and sometimes even when I dont feel like it, knowing that after my run the world is going to be better place.
So my life is perfect,or maybe not? I am noticing a certain amount of stress in some of my colleagues.Intelligent women who have chosen medicine as a career now not reaching their full potential as they are finding it hard to juggle family and work. Retiring doctors that have only a vacuum to look forward to.
I have always been interested in personal development,my bookcase was full of motivational and inspirational books, long before I was aware that coaching existed. I have also in the past done many courses, to learn to communicate better,improve my personal effectiveness and so forth. So I suppose all this together with my desire to work with and help people achieve a more fulfilling life progressed naturally to life coaching.
I have, in my opinion in the last couple of years managed to achieve a state of balance. I enjoy my work as an anaesthesiologist, I have a wonderful family and lots of fun-loving and positive friends. To add to all that I pound the pavements whenever I feel like it, and sometimes even when I dont feel like it, knowing that after my run the world is going to be better place.
So my life is perfect,or maybe not? I am noticing a certain amount of stress in some of my colleagues.Intelligent women who have chosen medicine as a career now not reaching their full potential as they are finding it hard to juggle family and work. Retiring doctors that have only a vacuum to look forward to.
I have always been interested in personal development,my bookcase was full of motivational and inspirational books, long before I was aware that coaching existed. I have also in the past done many courses, to learn to communicate better,improve my personal effectiveness and so forth. So I suppose all this together with my desire to work with and help people achieve a more fulfilling life progressed naturally to life coaching.
I had an opportunity today to put into practice some of the coaching theory I have learnt about. I was in Wellington,(NZ) on a medical course today with five other colleagues and when we arrived at the airport for our scheduled 17.30 flight which was to take us back home to Auckland, we were advised that our flight had been delayed until further notice.
My initial reaction was of disbelief, then anger, how could they do this to us? I had left home at 6am that morning, had a very intensive course and now all I wanted was to get home on a Friday night and spend the evening with my family!!
I soon realised that I had a choice, I could spend the time waiting at the airport, feel angry and frustrated or I could "reframe" my perspective . I decided to try the latter, after all, no matter how angry I felt, I was not going to be able to influence the time of the flight.
All sorts of opportunities suddenly presented to me:
1. I can use the time to shop and buy my daughter Stephanie a gift, to celebrate the end of the school year and her excellent academic achievement. This would make her feel aknowledged and appreciated.
2. I can spend some of the time bonding with my colleagues, and get to know them better outside of work.
3. I have an opportunity where I can relax, reflect on the days events etc.
I became aware of the beauty of coaching, and how powerful it is ,one does not have to wait for big events to present themselves in life, it can work on ordinary everyday things and by simply changing your viewpoint, your attitude changes and wow!! you feel a whole lot better.
My initial reaction was of disbelief, then anger, how could they do this to us? I had left home at 6am that morning, had a very intensive course and now all I wanted was to get home on a Friday night and spend the evening with my family!!
I soon realised that I had a choice, I could spend the time waiting at the airport, feel angry and frustrated or I could "reframe" my perspective . I decided to try the latter, after all, no matter how angry I felt, I was not going to be able to influence the time of the flight.
All sorts of opportunities suddenly presented to me:
1. I can use the time to shop and buy my daughter Stephanie a gift, to celebrate the end of the school year and her excellent academic achievement. This would make her feel aknowledged and appreciated.
2. I can spend some of the time bonding with my colleagues, and get to know them better outside of work.
3. I have an opportunity where I can relax, reflect on the days events etc.
I became aware of the beauty of coaching, and how powerful it is ,one does not have to wait for big events to present themselves in life, it can work on ordinary everyday things and by simply changing your viewpoint, your attitude changes and wow!! you feel a whole lot better.
Hi My name is Anna, I am in the midst of formal life coach training with a wonderful company the "International Coach Academy" I am also a keen long distance runner hence the name of the blog.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Auckland today (have not had many of those recently) so how else could I celebrate my life, my health, my family and friends than go for a run ? followed by a transformational conversation with my great peer coach Rachel. Thanks Rachel, you left me with a lot to think about for the next two weeks.
Why do I run? I ask myself this question often, and each time come up with different answers, sometimes I think I should just give up, other times I just feel so grateful that I am able to run and I suppose the answer for now is : I run because I can.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Auckland today (have not had many of those recently) so how else could I celebrate my life, my health, my family and friends than go for a run ? followed by a transformational conversation with my great peer coach Rachel. Thanks Rachel, you left me with a lot to think about for the next two weeks.
Why do I run? I ask myself this question often, and each time come up with different answers, sometimes I think I should just give up, other times I just feel so grateful that I am able to run and I suppose the answer for now is : I run because I can.