the past five months

It is once again 5 months or so since I last wrote. Nibbles is doing well and is once again a happy and trusting dog. He has put the past behind him and is living perfectly in the present, lots of walks,lots of attention anf good meals. If only humans could learn from dogs our lives would be less complicated and more enjoyable.

I, on the other hand am not doing so well. I had to stop running about 2 months ago due to an injury to my right leg and since then it has been trips to the physio, icepacks, lots of stretching. I have been irritable and unhappy not being able to exercise and certainly miss the post run good feelings. I am starting to make a come back now, even though quite slowly.

The other emotion I have had to deal with, and which I am still finding quite difficult is the slow release of parental control of my daughter. Let me explain,
Stephanie is 16 years old, and she has just in the last month obtained a drivers licence which allows her to drive unaccompanied. What I really struggle to come to terms with is that my "baby" is out there on her own in a car. Even though she does all the right things, asks permission to go out, keeps in contact constantly and lets us know exactly where she is and comes home at the right time, I still find it hard to relinquish control and stop worrying. One part of me says "trust the universe and let go" while the other wants to cling on, keep her safe at home.
Anyone out there willing to coach me on this issue?

On another note, I have decided no more procrastinating with ICA and this is the year I shall graduate. I am slowly coming to the end of the paperwork which I will need to submit, then register for Supervised Coach so hopefully by Sep at the latest I will graduate. I have not rushed through the course, I have enjoyed the journey, have learnt lots about myself and others and have had plenty of opportunity for reflection.

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