Feel the fear and do it anyway!!

I have eventually plucked up the courage to register for supervised coach in April and am at the moment going through all the other assessments and checking them before submitting them to ICA.

I kept procrastinating with all sorts of excuses, I need more practice....etc...My power tool is not perfect yet, my model not good enough, I still need to read and reread my research project.....etc. Eventually I just faced my demons and had to admit to myself that if I carried on like this I would never get to the point of perfection, When would everything be perfect to hand in? and, how would I know when it is all perfect? I looked at my past behaviour and noticed some similarities: I have never ever felt perfectly prepared for any major exam I have done and yet I passed them all. So I took the plunge and decided to "Feel the fear and do it anyway" !

I even registered for June graduation, now that is a real vote of confidence in myself!!

1 Responses to “Feel the fear and do it anyway!!”

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