Yesterday, I graduated with the title CPC from ICA! This is the end of what has been an amazing journey of growth and self discovery, I learnt so much about myself and others that I cannot imagine what my life would be now had I not undergone my journey.

I acknowledge every one who has been part of my journey, clients, fellow students, coaches, trainers and admin staff at ICA. Without you this would not have been possible!

The end of this journey is the start of another one,throughout my course I explored what most felt right for me to do with my life coaching skills, and, now I think I have a fairly good idea.

I have created my ideal life in this process, I have discarded, tweaked, added, reframed pespectives and whatever else I felt was appropriate in order to create the inner peace that I so longed for, and to be honest I feel that I have achieved this about 80-90% of the time, so I am pretty content with that.

Where to from here?? I am marketing myself as a coach for health professionals and their families, my mission and purpose in life is to work with these people (like my former self) and help them to see the "light" as I have. I would like to show them that a career in medicine does not necessarily mean stress, long working hours and no balance.

It is possible to have your cake and eat it!!!

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