I am back

Hello everyone,

After not blogging for over 5 months, I am back!! Where have the last 5 months gone? I am not quite sure. It all started with our decision to put in a new kitchen into our house and to renovate the rest of the room into a living area which would support our families needs better than the current one. It all seemed fairly easy at the start after all people do this all the time ?? Here I am 5 months later and am still waiting for the final touches to the kitchen and the painting etc....

Now, I believe that in every life experience there is a lesson to be learnt and the lesson will carry on being repeated until it is learnt.

So, What is my lesson here? Well, I realised for a start that my life has up to now being full of assumptions which have somehow excaped challenge.

I have always assumed that I could not live without my kitchen and laundry appliances until the day arrived that I had to live without my dishwasher, washing machine etc and after bitching and moaning about it I decided it was easier to accept what was and go with the flow, It became easier and easier everyday to live without these things.

Another assumption that was tested was my belief that I had to plan meals ahead, be organised with grocery lists and always have an answer when my husband or daughter asked "What's for dinner? " I have learnt that it can be good fun planning a meal on the spur of the moment and involving other family members in the decision, it is quite liberating to realise that responsibility for meals did not rest only with me. I have also learnt that we can have tasty and nutritious meals without a pantry full of food to choose from, And also, Life is simpler and easier if I go with the flow rather than fight it.

What assumptions do you have in your life ?

Are you willing to start challenging them?

I encourage you to start with the easiest one and as you get the feeling of freedom that comes with the realisation that what you have always believed is not cast in stone, is only an assumption and can be changed, then tackle the more difficult ones.

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